Kamalendu Pal is with the Department of Computer Science, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, City University of London. His research interest include Knowledge-Based Systems, Decision Support Systems, Computer Integrated Design, Software Engineering, and Service-Oriented Computing. He is on the editorial board of international computer science journals. He is a member of the British Computer Society, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the IEEE Computer Society.
Brief CV:
MBA (Master of Business Administration), University of Hull (1999)
MPhil (Applied AI, Thesis Topic: Hybrid Intelligent Systems and applications to Legal Decision Making), Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK (1998)
PG Diploma in Artificial Intelligence, Kingston University (1991)
MSc (Master of Software Systems Technology), University of Sheffield (1990)
PG Diploma in Computer Science, Pune, India (1988)
BSc (Bachelor of Science with Physics Honours), University of Calcutta, India (1978)
PG Certificate in Higher Education Academic Practice, City, University of London (2004)
Research Interests:
Knowledge-Based Software Systems and Applications, Knowledge Automation, Intelligent Systems (Expert Systems, Case-based Reasoning, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms) and Business Applications, Machine Learning, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Personalization and Recommendation System.
Architected and developed Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence (KBAI) software to develop and deploy AI-backed systems and applications.
Consulting Interests:
Modelling and Implementing business solutions using intelligent systems (database modelling, knowledge modelling using rule-based expert systems, case-based reasoning, soft computing techniques), Service-Oriented Computing, Business Analytics.
Work Experience:
2001 – Today: Teaching at City, University of London, UK
1999 – 2000: Teaching and Training Academic Staffs to a Further Education College, UK
1987 – 1989: Research Assistant, Automation (e.g. IoT-based local computer network), Measurement, and Characterization of chemical process engineering, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
1981 – 1986: Research Assistant (Computational Modelling), Study of fluid transportation behaviour (Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid), Written Fortran IV Programme to simulate the characteristics of fluid flow in Main Frame Computing Environment, Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Pune, India.
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